Sunday, March 15, 2009

Relocating is not an option

I am watching the Discovery Channel show called “The Verminators” and I just watched an environmentalist, whose house is totally overrun with rodents, tell the exterminator that he didn’t want him to kill the huge rats that are in his attic. He wants them to relocate them instead. Are you kidding me? I would become an exterminator just for the chance to kill a rat IF I didn’t have to dispose of the body afterwards. I will never touch one. Rats make my skin crawl period. I will never understand why anyone has them for a pet much less wants to “relocate” them. Bugs and spiders don’t scare me much. I am bigger and wear shoes (sometimes) so therefore I have a weapon. But a mouse (God forbid it is big enough to be a rat) will send me scrambling to the top of the highest piece of furniture in my house, screaming like a banshee. I am all about being kind to animals. I have a dog and a cat and they are my furry kids. Rats are not animals. They are Satan’s spawn and should be exterminated permanently. If anyone knows any good reason to let rats live, please feel free to post it in the comment section. Otherwise, I never want to hear the pitter patter of little claws scampering anywhere around me.

1 comment:

  1. i think God (or Satan) made rats to remind us that we are not fearless. There's not much i'm afraid of but rats, or mice, and snakes... holy shit, send me running for the hills if I don't faint first.
