Thursday, April 30, 2009

New blog

I have created a new blog about my trip to Oxford University this summer. Be sure to follow me there. It is There's a link that allows you to subscribe via email if you want.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Step one

I just got my passport for my trip so the preparations are well underway for my trip. My picture looks horrible of course, but I am told it is like this for everyone, a requirement almost. I have to raise some additional funds for things the grants and scholarships didn’t cover so I am going to get to work on a website for that soon. I keep meeting people from the UK and I flood them with questions regarding the differences in our countries and societies. They are all very gracious and most helpful. “Be prepared to drink a lot of tea” and “Carry an umbrella” have been the repeating themes so far. One guy tried to joke that the “It rains all the time” rumor is just a myth but his laughing out loud while he was trying to hand me that line of crap was a dead giveaway. I used near Seattle so it is all good. I am fully prepared to acclimate to that kind of weather. I know all about layering your clothes and wearing things with hoods. Besides, I’m a firm believer in dancing in the rain. It cleanses the soul.